software engineer, architect, campfire enthusiast


A travel community for users to share tips (AKA posts) about their favorite locations around the world.

Client brief

The team were given a wireframe and client brief consisting of three core sprints and four bonus sprints. We collaborated with the client to clarify aspects of the brief, propose additional features and obtain design approval at each sprint.

Site wireframe

User flow

Home screen

Register or sign-in with prepopulated data

Select a city from the sidebar

City page

Browse through list of post teasers, or create a post for the city

Create post

Click on a post to read more

Post view

View an author's profile by clicking their name near the post title

Profile view

Edit/delete post if the post was created by current user

Post view logged in

Post edit screen

The Team (of kick-ass women)

Tech used

The MERN Javascript stack:

© 2020 Anna Pichugina