software engineer, architect, campfire enthusiast


Web platform for managing chores in households. Team project built with Django, Bootstrap and PostgreSQL. It is mostly functional, with some chore management functionality on the front end still needing work to reach MVP stage.


This project was created to make it easy for households to look after their homes together. Using this responsive platform, housemates or families are able to set up a group for their home, add weekly chores, and track their progress online.


Wireframe of home screen

Wireframe of chores screen

Wireframe of group screen



Home screen

About screen

User home screen

User profile

Group admin screen

Group member screen

Build Status

The site is mostly functional and deployed. Some work on the front end is still required to achieve usable MVP.

Functional features:

  • User and admin user CRUD
  • Create and manage user groups
  • Create and assign chores

To do:

  • Completing chores
  • Chores to automatically rotate to a different user every time period

Tech used

  • Bootstrap
  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
© 2020 Anna Pichugina